
How Can I Do A Career Change To Human Resources From Accounting

Chapter 3: Company Structure


Which section- production, finance, accounting, marketing, southales, homo resources,

etc.- of an organisation exercise y'all think is the well-nigh interesting to work in?

For me, I would similar to work in the production section since that is where the heart of the

company is. The visitor is what information technology produces (might exist a product, service, etc). In every

company there would exist departments that are very similar, but in the production floor, you volition

know the company's identity.

What reasons tin can you remember of for why departments get into conflict with each other?

The merely reasons I see would exist the lack of communication within. Conflicts usually start when

there is no transparency, this most of the fourth dimension leads to miscommunication.

Is it better to have ane immediate boss or to work for more thursdayan one director?

I think it would be better to just be supervised by 1 superior. This would reduce the chance of

disharmonize between the bosses and the chain of command would exist more unproblematic.

Do you prefer to work alone or in a squad?

It varies. For me, I normally work lone since I don't want other people to bother me whenever I

am working. This also requires little to no communication at all then it's easier to concentrate and

to come up out with an output.

Is information technology more motivating to be responsible to someone for your work, or responsible for

people who study to you lot?

I think it would motivate me more than to be responsible for people who report to me for it won't be

boring and at the same time you run into new faces everyday. There would be a lot of things to

tackle and there would exist dissimilar things to consider and so it won't be but plain irksome.

Reading: Wikonomics and the future of companies

How is the world of organized work changing?

Based on the text below, it states that some works within the company are already being

outsourced and the collaboration with people outside would be more axiomatic. The visitor no

longer operates on its ain only would rather outsource ideas for the betterment of their own.

A great example of this alter are the two companies Ruddy Lake and Procter & Run a risk. They

have used their money for research wisely by utilizing all available resources out there.

In what ways could your organization, company or business organisation school employ the wikinomics


For our school, I encounter that outsourcing professors from dissimilar other universities would be a

cracking addition to the fix of kinesthesia the school already has. The more than inputs the school provides

the students (varieties of teacher) the meliorate education they would have.

What do you lot think are the disadvantages of the wikonomics principle?

The threat I see for this kind of principle is that when the company uses likewise much of the exterior

availability of resource rather than just rely on their own, they might lose the loyalty of their

ain employees and they might likewise lose their focus on their identity in the long run due to

unlike inputs absorbed by the company.


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